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The Quality Issues of Crowdsourced Geographic Information Data

Presenter:Dr. Fan Hongchao

Date: 22nd,August,2016, 10:00-11:30 am

Venue:MeetingRoom 4520, Xipu Campus

Introduction: Dr. Fan Hongchao introduce the achievements and research work on crowdsourced geographic information, e.g.OpenSreetMap, and related research project and applications, and the acquire method of crowsourced geographic information, and the evaluation of data quality.

Introduction to Presenter:Dr. Fan Hongchao achieved his master degree from Universitaet Stuttgart in 2006 and doctor degree from Technische Universitaet Muenich in 2010. He worked in Spatial and sustainable development institute at Tongji University in 2011.In 2012, He worked as project leader of Urban Modeling Group in Geographic Information Institute in Heidelberger Universitaet, Germany in 2012. Dr. Fan has more than 50 publications and is the principal investigators of one Chinese National Natural Science Youth Fund, one Special Fund of Germany Outstanding Unversity, and one Germany National Natural Science Youth Fund (DFG).

His research interesting include the evaluation of spatial information, spatial information mining, Geo-visualization. From 2012, his research work focused on volunteer geographic information, and quality assessment and analysis of data, analysis of motivations and behaviors of contributors, data mining, VGI assistant spatial data processing, and so on.

All are welcome!

Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering

12th, August, 2016