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Two research articles from our faculty published in Journal “Remote Sensing of Environment” with highest impact factor in the field of remote sensing

Recently, two research articles from InSAR group of our faculty have been published by the famous journal《Remote Sensing of Environment》(impact factor: 5.01) and are as follows:

1. Qiang Chen, Haiqin Cheng, Yinghui Yang, Guoxiang Liu, Liyao Liu. Quantification of mass wasting volume associated with the giant landslide Daguangbao induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake from persistent scatterer InSAR, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 152: 125-135. Available at:

2. Xiaowen Wang, Guoxiang Liu, Bing Yu, Keren Dai, Qiang Chen, Zhilin Li. 3D Coseismic deformations and source parameters of the 2010 Yushu earthquake (China) inferred from DInSAR and multiple-aperture InSAR measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 152: 174–189. Available at:

The first article proposed a method to calculate the mass transfer volume of slide. Compared with traditional technologies, this method has higher accuracy and can deal with larger areas and multi-objects. This method has been applied to Daguangbao huge slide and PALSAR images have been used. The experimental results showed that the slide influences more than 7.2km2and the mass transfer volume is about 1.28 billion m3.

The second article integrated the differential radar interferometry with multi aperture radar interferometry to construct 3-D fault model. This model has been tested with ASAR images and PALSAR images and applied to measure the 3-D deformation field of Yushu earthquake area in Qinhai. Experimental results showed the surface ruptures and deformation characteristics due to Yushu earthquake, and discovered that majority fault slips occurred 12 km beneath of surface and the highest slip is 5m deep in epicenter.

The research work of the InSAR group focused on the disaster monitoring, safety operation of high-speed railway, deformation of earthquake, slide monitoring, urban subsidence, and is devoted to the theory and method of InSAR more than 10 years. This group has achieved 9 The National Natural Science Funds, and was awarded Sichuan Science and Technology Progress First Prize in 2013 and Science and Technology Progress Second Prize of Ministry of Education. Two books and many research articles have been published.