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Development and future of Photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science - 2012 ISPRS Conference in Southwest Jiaotong University

On 4th, December, 2012, the conference on “development and future of 2012 ISPRS photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science” was hold in international conference hall in Jiuli Campus, Southwest Jiaotong University. This conference is hosted by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and organized by Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University and ISPRS china office.

Prof. Li zhilin (Dean of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University) is the session chair in the opening ceremony of this conference. Prof. Chen chunyang (the president of Southwest Jiaotong University) gave the welcome speech and eleven specialists made research presentations. The committees of new ISPRS executive board and technology committee chair attended are present, including, Prof. Chen Jun (New ISPRS president, Professor in China National Basic Geographic Information Center, Adjunct professor at Southwest Jiaotong University), Prof. Christian Heipke (Secretary-general of ISPRS, Leibniz Universität Hannover), Prof. Lena Halounová (Conference Chair, Czech Technical University in Prague), Prof. Orhan Altan (First Vice President, Istanbul Technical University), Prof. Marguerite Madden (Second Vice President, University of Georgia), Prof. Jon Mills (Treasurer of ISPRS, Newcastle University), Prof. Charles Toth (Chair of First Technology Committee, The Ohio State University), Prof. Jiang Jie (Chair of Fourth technology Committee, China National Basic Geographic Information Center), Dr. Fabio Remondino (Chair of Fifth Technology Committee, Italy Bruno Kessler Foundation Committee), Prof. Gong Jianya (Chair of Sixth Technology Committee, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University), Prof. Filiz Sunar (Chair of Seventh Technology Committee, Istanbul Technical University), Prof. Ian Dowman (Chair of Science Committee, University College London), Prof. Li zhilin (Series Editor, Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University), Prof. Liu Guoxiang (Assistant Working Group Leader of Seventh Technology Committee, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University).

In this opening ceremony, President Chen Chunyang on behalf of Southwest Jiaotong University warmly welcome the new members of ISPRS executive office and chairs of technology committees to hold the conference in Southwest Jiaotong University and introduced the history, status, characteristics, development concept, achievements of our university. President Chen hopes that the talent training and research work in the discipline of Geomatics in Southwest Jiaotong University can be significantly improved by the cooperation with ISPRS and wished all ISPRS specialists have funny days in Chengdu.

There are eleven key speeches gave by specialists from eight countries in the first day. The titles of these key speeches are as follow:

1. ISPRS President, Prof. Chen Jun, “From images to information: the missions and plans of ISPRS”;

2. ISPRS Secretary-general, Prof. Heipke, “Mars fast travel-Photogrammetry and remote sensing in planets”;

3. ISPRS First Vice President, Prof. Altan, “The significances of Aeronautics and Astronautics for the observation to earth”;

4. ISPRS First Vice President, Prof. Madden, “Reconstruction of historic site by temporal-spatial data and Geo-visualization”;

5. ISPRS Conference Chair, Prof. Halounová, “Geographic and remote sensing data in Czech”;

6. ISPRS Treasurer, Prof. Mills, “Recovery future climate in Antarctica by historical images”;

7. Chair of ISPRS First Technology Committee, Dr. Toth, “Potentials of waveform of lidar-radar”

8. Chair of ISPRS Fifth Technology Committee, Dr. Remondino,“The development of close-range image processing”;

9. Chair of ISPRS Sixth Technology Committee, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Gong Jianya, “Web share technologies of geographic spatial information and its applications in the field of eduction”;

10. Chair of ISPRS Seventh Technology Committee, Prof. Sunar, “Development strategy of satellite technologies in Turkey”;

11. Chair of Science Committee, Prof. Dowman, “Global DEM in applications of remote sensing”.

About 300 graduates, postgraduates and academic staffs attended to this conference and carried out communication and discussion with ISPRS specialists. In final session, Prof. Chen Jun (ISPRS president) and Prof. Liu Guoxiang (Deputy Dean of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University) made concluding remarks.