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President Fei Xu investigated “the construction of the first class discipline and the key work tasks” in our faculty

President Fei Xu came to our faculty to investigate “the construction of the first class discipline and the key work tasks” and held the symposium. The Chief accountant Bing Zhang, deputy dean of graduate school Yixue Liu, director of personal department Jun Guo, Assets and laboratory management office Zengan Gao, Qing Gao from planning and construction office, Songgang Ren from president office , Jun Zhang from office of scientific research & development, Jinzhuan Xu from propaganda department also came with the president. The dean of our faculty, Prof. Guoxiang Liu, party Secretary Prof. Qirong Wang, “Changjiang Scholar” Prof. Qing Zhu, vice-dean Prof. Hua Qi, deputy party secretary Yougang Fu, Wei Che from state-province joint engineering laboratory. Prof. Chenglong Liu, Prof. Meikun Fan, Prof.Junmin Chen, Prof. Linguo Yuan, Prof. Rui Zhao, as well as other teachers and students also attended the symposium. The symposium is held by Bing Zhang.

Firstly, Prof. Guoxiang Liu made a working report named “Enhance the construction of the discipline, improve the level of discipline and the quality of talent cultivation”. He introduced and analyzed the status of the geosciences discipline development, consideration about the challenges and solutions in the geosciences discipline development, clarified the 4 aspects of the key work in 2016, introduced the construction of various talent platforms and innovation platforms, discipline rankings, speciality rankings, innovation groups, science research, research awarding, globalization development, undergraduate and graduate cultivation etc. He expressed, the talent recruitment program worked as expected, the construction of research team and platform had come to new phases, the research results also broke through. Prof. Liu also talked about the challenges and thoughts in the discipline development of our faculty. Currently, the faculty needed to perfect and strengthen the discipline construction, multi-discipline and fundamental researches, supporting and guarantee talent cultivation. It also needed to speed up the building of the State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory in Spatial Information Technology for High-Speed Railway Safety. There were still lots of to do on teacher internationalization, talent cultivation nationalization. He specially proposed that we should pay attention to 4 “deep”, deep space/deep sea/deep earth/deep blue. Prof.Liu also expressed that our faculty would face the problems and difficulties, clear development orientation and development ideas, stimulate all potentials, and try our best to construct first-class disciplines.

Latterly, many attendees gave their statements one after another. Qirong Wang said Faculty of geosciences and environment engineeringwasa very young but positive faculty, had high level of internationalization, tense research atmosphere, outstanding discipline constructions, high combination of research and industry, had done large contribution to Tibet construction. The construction of first-class discipline should combine with the projects on Tibetan plateau. He also hoped that our faculty can provide help on the transformation of environment assessment center. Jun Guo said that the orientation of talent recruitment and cultivation is very correct and must be speed up. Prof. Yuwen Zan reported the research achievements and the difficulties in achievement transformations of the vehicle-based ground penetrating radar. Prof. Qing Zhu expressed that our faculty was in the middle position of the first-tier in mapping and surveying discipline nationwide, and should change the disadvantages of our university’s location into advantages and keep making progress in the first-class discipline construction. Afterwards, Zengan Gao praised that the laboratory managed by Prof. Chenglong Liu is the cleanest, most methodical, have most regulated management system. He also called for other faculties to learn from that laboratory.

Finally,our university’spresident Fei Xu gave a summary speech. He highly appreciated the cultural environment atmosphere. He said that the environment atmosphere of FGEE had clean offices, innovative ideas, was elegant, has great momentum, and harmonized. This status demonstrated that good environment can cultivate good people. He expressed that the content of the report given by Prof. Guoxiang Liu coincided with his own prepared report. This showed that the leaders of FGEE had thoroughly understood the thoughts of our university’s president and party secretary. Fei Xu said, he came to our university on September 12th 2013 and today was the first day after his first-3-year term. He also gave his three hopes. The first one, strengthen the recruitment and cultivation of talent. The second one, optimize the structure of discipline, focus on the orientation, innovate on discipline origination model, and fight for being the fourth discipline of our university on the top 1% list of ESI. The third one, explore new method on construction of full-time research team, undergraduate tutorial system, evaluation of performance and salary system. FGEE should change faculty-built-by-university into university-built-by-faculty, build well the English version website, normalize the annual reports, and be a good example. At last, Fei Xu explained the university badge. He mentioned that the geological hammer and level gauge represent the discipline of mapping and surveying, while the green trees not only represent the discipline of environment, but alsohas the profound implication “it takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people”. The outline of the badge is like a shield, which indicates fire protection discipline and also represents the determination of defending our university spirit. The up-left part of the badge looks like a flag. Flag indicates orientation leading us make progress. The T-shape structure at the lower part of the badge emphasized the importance of liberal education (Tongshijiaoyu in Chinese). We should enhance both the depth and the breadth of our studied knowledge.

Bing Zhang expressed, our university paid high attention to the development of FGEE and had high hopes for it. He required the Assets and laboratory management office to take the lead to make the solution which is to find satisfying fields for the State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory in Spatial Information Technology for High-Speed Railway Safety. The solution should be submitted after discussion.