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GlobeLand30 Service Computation and applications

Presenter: Prof. Chenjun, Chief Engineer of China National Basic Geographic information Center

Organizer: Prof. Liu Guoxiang

Date: 19th, April (Wednesday), 2:30 pm

Venue: Meeting room 4520 in Xipu Campus

Prof. Chenjun, Recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, firstling Science and technology leading talents, Chief Engineer in China National Basic Geographic information Center. In 1993, he became Doctor Supervisor approved by National Council Degree Office, and was the president of Chinese GIS Association from 1999 to 2011, and was the president of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) from 2012 to 2016. Now he is first vice president of ISPRS and editors of IJGIS, ISPRS J. P&RS, and ISPRS J. Geoinformation. He proposed Voronoi Spatial relationship model, and developed the updating technology system for national basis geographic information, and produced the first land cover data with 30m resolution in the world. He was awarded by the second prize of National Natural Science, and the second prize of National Technology Progressive as the first accomplisher, and the Technology Innovation of World Geomatics. His one published research article is selected as one of Chinese hundred great influence research papers in 2015.

This seminar is host by Research Office and organized by Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering