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Undergraduate Program of Remote Sensing Science and Technology


Remote sensing science and technology is developed based on the integration of surveying science, space science, electronic science, geoscience, computer science and other related disciplines. Space-borne or airborne sensors are used to acquire geometrical and physical information about an object or phenomenon without physical contact. Remote sensing science and technology has been widely used in economic construction, social development, national security, and daily life. Therefore, the society has a large demand for the graduates.

Program Code: 081202

Program Name: Remote sensing science and technology


The primary objective of this program of remote sensing science and technology is to educate high-quality professionals with basic knowledge and skills in remote sensing, as well as with excellent ability to acquire, process and analyze spatial information, and the ability of perform application of remote sensing in various field. This program can provide students with the basic knowledge and skills in photogrammetry and remote sensing required to work in the surveying and mapping, transportation, land planning and management, natural resources, environment, aviation and space industry, defense, infrastructure planning and management, earthquake, or energy field, with particular emphasis on the aspects of manufacturing, design, R&D, managing and application related to remote sensing. Meanwhile, this program can provide high quality potential students for graduate program of remote sensing.

III.Graduation Requirements

1. Engineering knowledge: Graduates should master the knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals, and professional knowledge that needed in solving complex engineering problems encountered in the surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing projects.

2. Problem analysis: The graduates should have the ability of performing successful analysis of complex engineering problem in surveying and remote sensing based on mathematics, sciences, surveying and remote sensing principles and the information from literature search.

3. Design/development of solutions: The graduates should have the ability to design and develop solutions and systems that meets certain requirements in surveying and remote sensing engineering based on surveying and remote sensing basic principles and methods. Consciousness of innovation should be reflected in the designing, and health, security, law, social, cultural and environmental factors should be considered.

4. Research: The graduates should have the ability of performing research activity in complex surveying and remote sensing engineering problems based on scientific principles and methods. This includes experiment designing, data analysis and explanation, and drawing valid conclusions based on information synthesis.

5. Modern tool usage: Graduates should have the ability to develop, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools in complex surveying and remote sensing engineering problem, including the prediction and simulation of the complex engineering problem. The understanding of the limitations is essential.

6. The engineering and society: Graduates should master the basic theory and knowledge of surveying and remote sensing, should have the ability to perform reasonable analysis of complex surveying engineering activities, and to evaluate the societal, health, safe, legal and cultural impacts of projects, and understand the consequent responsibilities relevant to the surveying and remote sensing engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Graduates should understand and evaluate the impact of the professional engineering solutions on the sustainable development of environment and society.

8. Ethics: Graduates should have high humanistic quality and social responsibility and obey the engineering professional ethics during the surveying and remote sensing information engineering practice.

9. Individual and teamwork: Graduates should act effectively as an individual, a member or leader in multidisciplinary teams.

10. Communication: Graduates should communicate effectively on complex surveying and remote sensing engineering activities with the engineering community and with the public, such as, being able to write effective reports and design documentation, give clear presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management: Graduates should master engineering management principles and economic decision-making method. They should be able to apply the above principles and methods in multidisciplinary environments including civil engineering, transportation, surveying etc.

12. Life-long learning: Graduates should have the knowledge of the latest technology status and development of surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing. They should have the awareness of self-motivated and lifelong learning, and should have the ability of continuous learning and adapting themselves in technological changes.

IV. Duration and Degree

Duration: 4 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

V. Main Subject and Main Course

Main Subject Surveying and Mapping

Main CourseSurveying Adjustment, Foundation of geodesy, Foundation of Cartography, Principles of Geographic Information System, Foundation of photogrammetry, Principles and Applications of Remote Sensing, Digital image processing, Spatial database, Geoscience interpretation of Remote Sensing Images, Remote sensing physics, Selected topics on photogrammetry and remote sensing, Quantitative remote sensing.